Graphical Automator

From Contao Community Documentation

I'm not a native English speaker. Please correct my mistakes.

An extension, to delete old grapfic files, generated from module graphical text.

Name of the developer Glen Langer (BugBuster)
Developer Website
Version of the extension 1.0.0
Compatibility with Contao Version from 2.9
Compatibility with TYPOlight Version 2.8.0 - 2.8.4
Link to Extension Repository
Donate the developer Cappuccino
Link to Tracker


Questions about the Visitors module will be answered in forum: Forum
Errors and requests can be reported in the Issue Tracker.


The installation of the module occurs about the extension Repository in back end of Contao.
A manual installation is possible. Download the ZIP file from Extension Repository, unzip and transfer it.
A directory should have been created "/system/modules/graphicalautomator".
Then call /contao/install.php - Perform Update Database.
( /typolight/install.php in older TYPOlight installations )

The Graphical Automator module is only useful when using the module "GraphicalText".


The module Graphical Text generated graphic files that are stored in /system/html. Normally, e.g. in navigation, do not change the file name. Not so with a counter (e.g. visitor counter), when this can be graphically show will be produced continuously new graphics files. However, the old image files are not deleted again.

The Contao CRON clears once a day the /system/tmp directory, but not the /system/html directory. This is a good thing! No one wants that every day all the preview images and converted images must be recalculated.

The old pictures of the visitor counter (to stay with the example) but can safely be deleted.
Just that this module was written.


The module Graphical Automator plugs into the CRON of Contao, more precisely in the "daily" call by Hook. This module searches all the files that have the prefix "graphtext-".
Newly-generated graphics may not be deleted right at the time of delivery. (Broken Picture in the browser) Therefore, the timestamp of the files reviewed and cleared only those who are older than 10 minutes.

In the back end System-Log, the action is logged:

[08.04.2010 00:47] Purged 35 Graphtext images in thumbnail directory.

Technical Details

The minimum holding time can be changed by entry in the localconfig.php
Example for 24 hours:

 $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['purgeHtmlFolderGToffset'] = 86400;

Other examples are included in the supplied config.php

--BugBuster 11:05, 20 September 2010 (CEST)

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