No root page found

From Contao Community Documentation

No root page found

From Contao 3.2 on.

No root page found327.png

Until Contao 3.1.5

No root page found.png

No record found

No root page found indicates in Contao, that it is not possible to connect you with a valide site. This happens if you start Contao without installing the example website.In fact it means there is no content available jet.

No record found.png


As Contao has the ability to use multidomains, it also can be, that the Domain not has a DNS Entry jet in his root page. It means if your additional domain (alias) points on a existing Contao installation you have to create a second root page and add in the settings of it a DNS entry.

You need to create a new page (website root) and a page index (regular page)

Dns settings.png

Multidomain needs a specific Domain name who points in the contao root. Then add to the DNS settings your additional domain name.

Domain names.png


In a other situation, it is also possible to get this message. When you use a multilanguage site and there ist the language fallback missing. This means if your browsers language is german, a english website would not be shown if you not activate the fallback option on the english website root.
(see picture dns_settings for the language fallback)

Moving a Website | pathconfig.php

If you get "no root page found" after moving Contao in a other Folder or to a new Provider pls. check the file /system/config/pathconfig.php and make changes according to the installation.

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